Saturday, January 31, 2009

Austrian Skiing

The hubby is doing a ski weekend with folks from work. They ended up going to the Lech, Austria ski area. Hubby found out that much like in the U.S., one must not rely on the GPS entirely when travelling over mountainous areas in the winter. He got to within 5km of his destination only to find out the road was snowed out. He had to go back 2 hours to go around the mountain.

On a nice Saturday morning he is sitting outside a lodge enjoying the sun and watching the skiiers. He reports that it seems a bit steeper than what we are used to for easier/intermediate runs.

Here is a view from a webcam:

Here is the view from Hubby himself!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


The German Way tells us:

"If you are planning to buy or rent a German apartment, be aware that it usually comes with a “bare” kitchen. “Bare” is indeed the right word. Your new kitchen may be nothing more than four bare walls with roughed-in plumbing and electrical connections—even the kitchen sink may be missing!"

Fortunately for us the landlord was completely updating our half of the duplex, so she offered to put in a kitchen (for a higher monthly rent). That sounded good to us! Who wants to deal with buying and then selling a kitchen?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Outside of house

House before:
House After:

On the top is the House as we originally saw it, under construction.
On the bottom is how it looks now. Note the temporary wooden walkway!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Door to Nowhere

Hubby has the keys to the new place...He took a bunch of pictures and tried to "zip" them, but accidently only sent one. This is a bedroom that will have a balcony, right now it just is the door to nowhere. Note that most of the floors are a beech wood.