Friday, June 10, 2011

Fun with

Can you guess what these pictures are?
Note that each picture is created out of the letters in the title of the photo.


mathmom said...

#1 looks like a church but I can't get that to match up with the letters

#2 Alps

#3 Beer

#4 probably some German word for a heart-shaped cake ;-)

#5 Daisy

Cool effects :)

Anonymous said...

#1 Schloss Neuschwanstein

#2 probably the Alps, can't really tell from that picture

#3 looks like a "Kitzmann Weizen"

#4 Lebkuchenherz

#5 Daisy with some croci in the back

Blopper said...

The answers are:
1) Neuschwanstein (Fairytale-looking castle in south Germany)
2) Alps
3) Bier
4) Bergkirchweih (yes, a Lebkuchenherz or gingerbread heart from our beer festival, Bergkirchweih)